Vivienda de calle Sierra número 14
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Universidad de Valparaíso
La Vivienda se amplía significativamente con la adición de nuevas dependencias en la parte posterior. Las nuevas elevaciones abiertas al oriente y al poniente optimizan las condiciones de asoleamiento.
La estructura original se mantiene, con un entramado de pino oregón sobre un cimiento corrido de piedras. Las terminaciones incorporan diversas maderas, como entablados de piso de raulí y enmaderación de pino oregón. La fachada norte se protege con revestimiento de hojalatería y la cubierta con planchas onduladas de cinc.
La intervención más notable se lleva a cabo en la fachada que da a la calle. Se agrega un cuerpo de fachada que se adelanta 1,20 m y sugiere la forma de un torreón coronado por un mojinete. Se destaca el acceso mediante un pórtico y se incorpora un balcón volado en el segundo piso. Puertas y ventanas se renuevan con diseños variados, unificando el conjunto con un revestimiento horizontal de madera.
The House is significantly expanded with the addition of new dependencies in the back. The new elevations open to the east and west optimize the sun exposure conditions. The original structure is maintained, with a pine frame on a continuous stone foundation. The finishes incorporate various woods, such as raulí floor boarding and pine frame. The north facade is protected with sheet metal cladding and the roof with corrugated zinc sheets. The most notable intervention is carried out on the street-facing facade. A facade body is added that protrudes 1.20 m and suggests the shape of a tower topped by a finial. The entrance is highlighted by a portico and a cantilevered balcony is incorporated on the second floor. Doors and windows are renewed with varied designs, unifying the set with a horizontal wood cladding.
The House is significantly expanded with the addition of new dependencies in the back. The new elevations open to the east and west optimize the sun exposure conditions. The original structure is maintained, with a pine frame on a continuous stone foundation. The finishes incorporate various woods, such as raulí floor boarding and pine frame. The north facade is protected with sheet metal cladding and the roof with corrugated zinc sheets. The most notable intervention is carried out on the street-facing facade. A facade body is added that protrudes 1.20 m and suggests the shape of a tower topped by a finial. The entrance is highlighted by a portico and a cantilevered balcony is incorporated on the second floor. Doors and windows are renewed with varied designs, unifying the set with a horizontal wood cladding.
Plano C3: elevación cuadra (elevación Calle de la Sierra, Calle República, Calle Playa Ancha), escala 1:00. Plano C5: planta primer piso, escala 1:50. Plano C8: elevación principal y posterior (levantamiento de J. Sierra Acevedo), escala 1:50. Plano C7 (levantamiento de J. Sierra Acevedo) y C4: planta subterráneo (levantamiento de J. Sierra Acevedo), escala 1:50.
Waisberg, Myriam, Casas históricas, Valparaíso