Vivienda Calle Gran Bretaña número 766
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Universidad de Valparaíso
La estructura de la Casa de madera se resuelve a través de un entramado de madera, conformado por pilares y vigas de pino oregón. El relleno de la tabiquería se realiza en adobillo.
Las terminaciones reflejan una cuidadosa selección de materiales de alta calidad, complementada con la aplicación de mano de obra especializada.
El revestimiento exterior consiste en un tinglado de raulí. Este mismo material se utiliza en algunas áreas del interior, como el zócalo de 1,50 m de altura, que recorre extensas secciones de los muros creando recuadros y repisas talladas; el tillado del suelo, compuesto por palmetas de diseño único en cada habitación; las cornisas de los cielos, que enmarcan los elementos decorativos de yeso; y las puertas, finamente elaboradas con una solución de tablero y vidrios biselados.
El juego de volúmenes y el tratamiento de las elevaciones muestran cierta similitud con las Residencias del Pasaje Harrington. Sin embargo, existen diferencias notables en el nivel de las terminaciones.
El Arquitecto Esteban Harrington confiere a esta obra arquitectónica un sentido de elevación muy próximo a las expresiones Neogóticas, a través de la disposición repetida de elementos apuntados.
The structure of the wooden House is resolved through a wooden framework, consisting of pillars and beams of Oregon pine. The filling of the partitions is made of adobe. The finishes reflect a careful selection of high-quality materials, complemented by the application of specialized labor. The exterior cladding consists of a raulí shingle. This same material is used in some areas of the interior, such as the 1.50 m high baseboard, which runs through extensive sections of the walls creating carved frames and shelves; the floor tiling, composed of unique-design palmettes in each room; the cornices of the ceilings, which frame the decorative plaster elements; and the doors, finely crafted with a solution of panel and beveled glass. The play of volumes and the treatment of the elevations show a certain similarity to the Residences of the Pasaje Harrington. However, there are notable differences in the level of the finishes. Architect Esteban Harrington gives this architectural work a sense of elevation very close to Gothic expressions, through the repeated arrangement of pointed elements.
The structure of the wooden House is resolved through a wooden framework, consisting of pillars and beams of Oregon pine. The filling of the partitions is made of adobe. The finishes reflect a careful selection of high-quality materials, complemented by the application of specialized labor. The exterior cladding consists of a raulí shingle. This same material is used in some areas of the interior, such as the 1.50 m high baseboard, which runs through extensive sections of the walls creating carved frames and shelves; the floor tiling, composed of unique-design palmettes in each room; the cornices of the ceilings, which frame the decorative plaster elements; and the doors, finely crafted with a solution of panel and beveled glass. The play of volumes and the treatment of the elevations show a certain similarity to the Residences of the Pasaje Harrington. However, there are notable differences in the level of the finishes. Architect Esteban Harrington gives this architectural work a sense of elevation very close to Gothic expressions, through the repeated arrangement of pointed elements.
Plano no. 9: planta primer piso, escala 1:50 / planta piso zocalo, escala 1:50. Plano no.10: planta segundo piso, escala 1:50 / planta techumbre, escala 1:50. Plano no.11, elevación norte, escala 1:50 / Elevación sur, escala 1:50. Plano no.12, elevación oriente, escala 1:50 / Corte longitudinal B.B, escala 1:50.
Waisberg, Myriam, Casas históricas, Valparaíso